Ay: Ekim 2009
grub da kernel seçimi
sudo aptitude install startupmanager programını kur. sonra çalıştır. ya da sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst dosyasını düzenle.
kaffeine programının dvb-s i çalıştıramamasının sebebi
şayet aynı makinaya mythtv kurulduysa mythtv tv kartını ele geçiriyor. o yüzden kaffeine çalıştıramıyor. çözümü sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend stop komutunu çalıştırmak.
virtualbox-ose-modules hatası
just found the info: one command a time sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-source module-assistant sudo module-assistant auto-install virtualbox-ose-source sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Previous
kaffeine turksat tp listesi
S 10970000 V 30000000 5/6 S 10982000 H 9600000 5/6 S 11012000 V 30000000 5/6 S 11028000 H 2963000 3/4 S 11048000 V 2400000 5/6 S 11054000 H 30000000 5/6 S 11064000 V 13000000 5/6 S 11096000 H 30000000 5/6 S 11096000 V 30000000 5/6 S 11194000 H 7200000 3/4 S 11524000 V 4557000 3/4…
postgresql kurulumu
PostgreSQL is my preferred database on a Linux environment.This is the sequence I used to install it on my development machine. It is running Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) beta on a VMware Workstation virtual machine. I referred to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL, http://bioinformaticsonline.co.uk/2007/02/26/postgresql_on_ubuntu_linux_how_to and http://hocuspokus.net/2007/11/05/install-postgresql-on-ubuntu-710/ and adapted the instructions a little bit. Installing the server and basic tools…
virtualbox ose de host interface ayarı
We have already discussed how to install virtualbox and create virtual machines in ubuntu.This tutorial will explain How to set up host interface networking for VirtualBox on Ubuntu. To start, NAT is by far the easiest way to get your guests connected to the interweb, but you may want to use the guests as servers.…
joomla template modül gürünümü
http://www.falezbilgisayarhastanesi.com/?tp=1 veya http://www.falezbilgisayarhastanesi.com/index.php?tp=1