Gün: 14 Mart 2010

  • phpmychat manuel kurulumu

    Instructions for a NEW installation (or an UPGRADE) of the Plus version you just downloaded. 1. Extract plus.zip If you want to run a NEW install, skip to step 2 UPGRADE ONLY -> Safe Procedures – IMPORTANT! 1a. Backup your chat database, just in case something goes wrong; 1b. Backup (make a copy on your…

  • phpmychat kurulum kılavuzu

    Instructions for a NEW installation (or an UPGRADE) of the Plus version you just downloaded. Note: This version comes with a fully automated wizard to help you install phpMyChat-Plus on your site. Alternatively there is a manual install folder which contains more instructions for a manual install. If you fail to successfully run the automated…

  • postgresql e uzaktan erişim yetkisi açmak

    /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf dosyasında # IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 md5 burada yi yapıyoruz. ayrıca postgresql.conf dosyasında listen_addresses=’localhost’ bunu değiştirip listen_addresses=’*’ yapıyoruz.