Ay: Haziran 2010

  • google analytics


    Geçen birkaç haftalık süreçte Google Analytics’e erişimde zorluklar yaşadığınızı

    Google Analytics’in de dahil olduğu bazı Google servislerine erişimde yaşanan
    zorluklar, Türkiye’de halen devam etmekte olan YouTube yayın yasağıyla doğrudan
    ilişkilidir. Bu doğrultuda yapılan gerekli düzenlemelerle Google Analytics’in
    Türkiye erişiminin şu anda düzeltilmiş olduğunu memnuniyetle bildiririz.

    Bu süreç boyunca gösterdiğiniz sabır için teşekkür ederiz.

    Google Analytics Ekibi

    Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94041

    Bu mesaj Google Analytics hesabınızla ilgili olarak yapılmış önemli güncellemelerle
    ilgili bilgiler içeren zorunlu bir e-posta bildirimidir.

  • Araç Muayenesi Bilgi


    İlgi: 08/06/2010 tarih ve 37049 sayılı, başvurunuz.

    Muayene Süresi
    Madde 14-Araçlar cinslerine, kullanma amaç ve şekillerine uygun olarak periyodik
    muayeneye tabidir. Buna göre;
    a) Hususi otomobiller ile bunların her türlü römorkları ilk üç yaş sonunda ve
    devamında her iki yılda bir,
    b) (Değişik:R.G-07/01/2010-27455) Resmi otomobiller ile bunların her türlü
    römorkları ilk üç yaş sonunda ve devamında iki yılda bir,
    c) Lastik tekerlekli traktörler ile bunların her türlü römorkları ilk üç yaş sonunda
    ve devamında üç yılda bir,
    d) İki veya üç tekerlekli araçlar ve bunların her türlü römorkları, ilk üç yaş
    sonunda ve devamında iki yılda bir,
    e) Diğer bütün motorlu araçlar ile bunların her türlü römorkları ilk bir yaş sonunda
    ve devamında yılda bir,
    periyodik muayeneye tabi tutulur.
    Askeri araçlarla, iş makinesi türünden araçların muayeneleri, tescilini yapan
    kuruluşlarca yapılır.
    Muayene süresi dolmasa bile kazaya karışması sonucu yetkili zabıtaca muayenesi
    gerekli görülenler ile üzerinde değişiklik yapılan araçların ayrıca özel muayenesi
    Karayoluna çıkmış olan araçların, teknik şartlara uyup uymadığı trafik zabıtasınca
    kontrol edilerek uygunsuzluk tespit edilenler, her an muayene istasyonlarına sevk
    edilip muayeneleri yaptırılabilir. Bu durumda trafik zabıtasınca bir ?Uygunsuzluk
    Tespit Tutanağı? düzenlenir. Bu tutanak olmaksızın muayene istasyonuna sevk

    Bilgilerinize rica ederim.

  • google cname ayarları

    Configuring DNS CNAME and MX records for Google Apps on discountASP.NET
    Ocak 25 2008 3:56

    The other day I signed up for Google Apps for my domain allowing me to use GMail as my mail client among other things. Initially, I had a little trouble configuring the MX records in order to get GMail working on discountASP.NET (DASP) and I noticed on their support forums others had similar issues. I could send email from the account but couldn’t get replies because sending TO my address failed. The mistake I made was in the MX records where I prefixed my domain with “mail” which was incorrect, no prefix is required. Once I corrected the settings, based on forum reply from DASP, GMail worked instantly.

    Here are my DNS settings for Google Apps:
    CNAME Record Manager : [Help?]
    Canonical Name Record: Creates an alias from one hostname to another.
    Use of CNAME is generally not recommended.

    Domain Name Destination TTL
    start.stevetrefethen.com ghs.google.com 3600
    calendar.stevetrefethen.com ghs.google.com 3600
    home.stevetrefethen.com ghs.google.com 3600
    docs.stevetrefethen.com ghs.google.com 3600
    mail.stevetrefethen.com ghs.google.com 3600

    MX Record Manager : [Help?]
    Mail Exchanger Record: Identifies the email server that handles email for a domain.
    Domain Name Destination Distance TTL
    stevetrefethen.com ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM 10 3600
    stevetrefethen.com ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM 15 3600
    stevetrefethen.com ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM 15 3600
    stevetrefethen.com ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM 20 3600
    stevetrefethen.com ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM 20 3600
    stevetrefethen.com ASPMX4.GOOGLEMAIL.COM 20 3600
    stevetrefethen.com ASPMX5.GOOGLEMAIL.COM 20 3600

    I really like discountASP.NET which is why I participate in their referral program. So far I’ve had 14 people use my referral ID so thanks to those of you who have signed up, I’ve already made my first $120! Btw, it’s nice to visit a forum for a company where you can consistently read messages that are thankful for such high quality support for a change.

    Btw, be sure to check out Scott Hanselman’s post on Google Apps as it’s not the solution for everyone, at least not yet. I’m going to play with it for a bit and see how it works.

  • virtualbox usb sorunu

    virtualbox usb olarak zaten usb versiyonunda çalışmıyor. fakat ayrıca ose siz virtualbox ı kullanırkende usb çalışmıyor. çözümü sudo adduser kullanıcı adı vboxusers

  • opendns in cevabı


    We’re aware of some issues that users may be having resolving DNS requests with us
    since early this morning.

    Please flush your web browser caches and DNS resolver caches and then send us the
    output of the instructions you receive from following
    http://www.opendns.com/support/article/208 and
    http://www.opendns.com/support/article/224 when using OpenDNS servers
    ( and

    -Browser Cache Flush
    For Internet Explorer: Go to Tools -> Delete Browsing History -> Temporary Internet
    Files -> Delete Files.
    For Firefox: Go to Tools -> Clear Recent History -> Select ‘Everything’ → Clear Now
    For Opera: Go to Tools -> Delete Private Data -> Delete
    For Safari: Go to History -> Delete History.
    For Google Chrome: Go to ‘Customize and Control Google Chrome’ (the wrench icon) ->
    Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear browsing data… -> Select ‘Empty the cache’
    (deselect the others) -> Clear data from this period: ‘Everything’ -> Clear browsing

    -Local Machine DNS Resolver Cache Flush
    For Windows: Open the Start Menu -> go to ‘Run’ -> type ‘cmd’ and press enter ->
    type ‘ipconfig /flushdns’ and press enter. (Vista and 7 users will need to run the
    command prompt ‘As Administrator.’)
    For Mac OSX: (Snow Leopard) Open the Terminal application -> type ‘dscacheutil
    -flushcache’ (no quotes) and press enter.
    (Leopard) Open the Terminal application -> type ‘dscacheutil -flushcache’ (no
    quotes) and press enter.
    (Tiger) Open the Terminal application →’ lookupd -flushcache’ (no quotes) and press
    For Ubuntu: Open your terminal/command line and use the command ‘sudo
    /etc/init.d/nscd restart’ (no quotes) and press enter.

    OpenDNS Support

  • hotmailin cevabı


    Thank you for contacting Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support. My name is Paul and I will be assisting you.

    I gather that you experiencing mail deliverability issues and receive the error “550 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons”. I understand how this concerns you. Let me help you out.

    We have identified that messages from your IP ( are being blocked based on the recommendations of Symantec’s Brightmail filters, as traffic/email originating from your IP matched characteristics of recent spam attacks from compromised, or ‘zombie’ infected, machines.

    After reviewing the information you provided, we have taken steps to remove the block. This change should take effect within the next 24-48 hours. Be aware that Symantec will continue to run checks against your IP to ensure that the vulnerabilities have been removed. The block can be reapplied until the problem is fully addressed.

    In order to prevent this and future exploits of this nature, please verify that your MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents/Mail Servers) are under your full control, have not been compromised, and that you are not unwittingly sending any spam. We also suggest that you scan your computer to verify that there is no malicious software installed. You can obtain a free Windows Server or client PC scan by visiting http://safety.live.com or http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/downloads/default.mspx

    More information about this exploit can be found here: http://antivirus.about.com/od/whatisavirus/a/zombiepc.htm

    You can also find additional information on common deliverability questions by reviewing the resources at http://postmaster.live.com

    The troubleshooting steps in this email are recommendations only. Microsoft makes no guarantees that following these steps will guarantee deliverability to MSN, Windows Live Hotmail, or Live.com customers.



    Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support